Great show at a great venue with fantastic bands!
Thanks for all the Local Love!
Submit Your Music To Local Love!
Hey everyone! We are always looking for new music for our Tuesday night live show and podcast Local Love. Here's instructions on how to submit your music, it's easy!
Echoplex Radio 24-7 *BETA*
Echoplex Media is proud to announce the beta launch of Echoplex Radio, our 24/7 music stream! You can now listen to all of your favorite Bay Area local bands any time, anwhere! Just click the button below or at the top of the home page, and you're ready to rock!
We are just getting started with this, so we may run into some glitches in the weeks to come. But so far, things are working great.
What are you waiting for? Start listening already!
For now, song and artist information is not available within the live stream window on your browser. That information is available by clicking here: