No this is not a joke.
Mr. Smith-Levin, you screwed this whole thing up, didn’t you?
How many of the board members on your website are even still on the board?
Since I last wrote about what’s going on in the anti-scientology community, things have only gotten worse. And really, we all know why. At the head of this charity (or whatever it is) sits a man who, at every turn, has made every possible bad decision and pissed off almost everyone he once called a friend and/or a colleague. This includes people who used to act like they were tasked with guarding the man’s reputation by Xenu himself like No Show Nora. Was Nora ever on the board of SPTV? I don’t know, this shit is too hard to keep track of. It also includes dude’s now ex girlfriend, though it appears she is still listed as a board member on the website. I wonder if Aaron pissed off whoever does the website. Probably. Mike Brown is listed as the secretary, is he writing down any of what’s happening? Is he still the secretary? Is Natalie Webster still the treasurer? Hell, maybe she ran off with all the money like that one lady from Honey Badger Radio did. Just about the only person who I know Aaron hasn’t pissed off in all this is that PTSD grifter Jamie Mustard. And that’s simply because Jamie Mustard is too fucking stupid to understand any of this. Believe me I know, I tried to negotiate an appearance on my show via Instagram DM with that guy… and boy howdy.
Regardless of all that, Aaron Smith-Levin needs to step down. I know he started it and the foundation is mostly about him and his ego. He was sad when he was removed from The Aftermath Foundation for, among other things, going on The Rick Wiles White Power Hour, getting in multiple fights at local Clearwater watering holes, one of which while he was collecting signatures for his run for city council, and of course, the straw that broke the intergalactic camel’s back, the incident(s?) in Los Angeles during the second Danny Masterson trial. But since then, it’s not like the dude decided to do some soul searching and try to moderate and temper his behavior. He’s been all YOLO (do people still say that?) and gotten himself assaulted (again) on Hollywood Blvd after harassing some old guy and his dog… THEN insisting that he and the other guy be arrested instead of accepting the cops’ offer to just let them both go about their business and leave each other alone. And of course there was the box incident. It wasn’t as serious, but it sure was funny as shit watching Aaron throw an Amazon package at a rent a cop on Scientology property.
For the love of whatever it is you worship, man… okay that’s probably yourself… but in any case, here’s another screen shot from your website which I’ve annotated, using a red arrow.
Do that one, Aaron. Do that one.
If you’re wondering who could ever replace you on this board, assuming it doesn’t just implode, I’ve put together a handy list of people who I think would be suitable to replace you.
Tommy Davis
Oh No Nora
Tom Cruise
Ted Cruz
Andy Nolch
Tampa Brad
Grant Cardone
Pearl Snappy
Jamie Mustard
Inco G. Nito
Jamie DeWolf
Karen De La Carrier
Andrew Gold
Rick Wiles
Sky Daily
Dodge Landesman
Jenna Miscavige
Charlie Wakley
Steven Mango
The Angry Gay Pope
But if I am being honest here, my real choice would be Marty Rathbun. Sure Marty has his problems and a lot of people think he did some work for Scientology after he supposedly left. But he did the smartest thing I saw any of the former cult members who were being harassed do. He fucked off to a cabin in the woods and stopped talking to all of you maniacs.