This is the 6th in a series of articles we’re doing featuring misinformation found on Facebook as sponsored content. Not just posts by your garden variety loon, but stuff that Facebook allows people to increase the reach of using advertisement. These ads were collected on a fake Facebook account I created that follows every conspiracy theory page I can possibly find and from a couple great folks who submitted their own screen shots. Collected from April 30th 2021 through June 29th 2021.
Here’s the 1st article
Here’s the 2nd article
Here’s the 3rd article
Here’s the 4th article
Here’s the 5th article
Couldn’t quite get the image for this event that Facebook approved an ad for to come up. Sad reacts only.
This is garden variety anti-mask stuff. Appearing on the same website that was telling us throughout the pandemic that they are doing everything they can to help!
The fake mask ads are a new one, and it seems like maybe reporting these ads got rid of them because we only saw them for a few days.
Remember these ads, and the ads in the last 5 articles we posted on this matter, the next time Business Insider credulously “reports” on how Facebook is cracking down on anti-vaccine content. They are doing no such thing. They are monetizing it.
Ariel here made an attempt to become a rising conspiracy star. Seems not to have worked.
One of these articles would be incomplete if we did not show examples of EMF misinformation.
The microchip!
This guy once challenged me to a cage match during an epic meltdown he had on Twitter
Praise be to our lord Xenu. Maybe not the best look for Facebook to allow a cult to advertise.
Happy Pride month everyone!
I am still collecting screen shots and you can expect more of these articles periodically, hopefully monthly. If you see these kinds of ads and want to help me with this project, please feel free to email them to or drop them in our Discord. If you’d like credit, just mention that you want your name or the name of your organization to be noted in the article and we’ll put it right under the picture so everyone knows you’re the lucky person who had your feed polluted.