
Behind The Scenes: Routing With 2 Channel Audio Interface, Mumble, Google Hangouts and Mixxx For Broadcasting and Recording

Behind The Scenes:  Routing With 2 Channel Audio Interface, Mumble, Google Hangouts and Mixxx For Broadcasting and Recording

This is mostly for internal use but we are hopeful that others will get something out of this.  This was done on an Ubuntu Studio 16.04 system with the KXStudio Tools.  The audio interface used in this tutorial is a Focusrite 2i2 but any 2 in 2 out audio interface should work just fine.

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Echoplex Radio 24-7 *BETA*

Echoplex Media is proud to announce the beta launch of Echoplex Radio, our 24/7 music stream! You can now listen to all of your favorite Bay Area local bands any time, anwhere! Just click the button below or at the top of the home page, and you're ready to rock!

We are just getting started with this, so we may run into some glitches in the weeks to come. But so far, things are working great.

What are you waiting for? Start listening already!

For now, song and artist information is not available within the live stream window on your browser. That information is available by clicking here:

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