Grifter Jamie Mustard Is Still Selling Unproven PTSD Shots To Vulnerable People - Here's Our DM Conversation From Last Summer — Echoplex Media

Grifter Jamie Mustard Is Still Selling Unproven PTSD Shots To Vulnerable People - Here's Our DM Conversation From Last Summer

During this video with No Show Nora last summer, grifter Jamie Mustard said he’d speak with anyone from the PTS Discord (I believe it was then called SPTV Discord?) or Reddit about the claims he was making regarding a PTSD treatment he was pushing on vulnerable former cult members who have symptoms of PTSD. The treatment in question is called Dual Sympathetic Reset. Here’s an article by neurologist Steven Novella on the Science Based Medicine blog about the treatment.

Many people who have questions about the treatment and the claims Mustard makes about said treatment reached out to Jamie Mustard regarding a potential interview. I did and I know of at least 3 other podcasters and youtubers who reached out to Mustard. He refused to show up on any of our shows and has largely stopped taking interviews in the anti-scientology scene since tucking his tail and running from those of us who might ask difficult questions about this treatment and, more importantly, his own financial interest in getting as many people as possible to pay thousands of dollars several times (possibly yearly?) for a treatment that is, at best, potentially helpful in a very limited way for a some people some of the time.

But me being, well, me… I also noticed something interesting in our DM exchange. Jamie Mustard is stupid. Mind expandingly stupid. I have had conversations with a lot of quacks, grifters, and internet ghouls over the years but none of them are as fucking stupid as Jamie Mustard. None of the chemtrails people, none f the flat earthers. Not even the people who drink their own urine for “health reasons”. Jamie Mustard is the dumbest motherfucker I have ever tried to have a discussion with.

It is generally unethical to release DMs. But upon finding out, just today, that Jamie Mustard is still working behind the scenes with some of the SPTV creators to rope some of their viewers into paying thousands of dollars several times for this unproven treatment, I looked through the messages to make sure there was no sensitive personal info in the exchange, and I am publishing these messages. First I want everyone to see this guy basically run away when he figured out that I have looked into the matter to the extent that I can as a non expert and didn’t really find evidence for the claims he’s making. But also, I want everyone to see how FUCKING STUPID this guy is.

So here’s the exchange for Download in HTML format. I know it’s annoying that it’s all in reverse order, but that’s how Instagram exports this stuff.

Below are some screen shots of just the beginning of the discussion. It’s amazing.

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