This is the 5th in a series of articles we’re doing featuring misinformation found on Facebook as sponsored content. Not just posts by your garden variety loon, but stuff that Facebook allows people to increase the reach of using advertisement. These ads were collected on a fake Facebook account I created that follows every conspiracy theory page I can possibly find and from a couple great folks who submitted their own screen shots. Collected from January 23rd 2021 through April 27th 2021 (yeah yeah, I know, we lost a fake account and had to build up a new one to get crazy ass ads from Facebook)
Here’s the 1st article
Here’s the 2nd article
Here’s the 3rd article
Here’s the 4th article

While the cult of Scientology is clearly on the downswing, unable to recruit new members because of, among other things, Anonymous 10 years ago, it’s still pretty bad form for Facebook to be running ads for a scam fake religion. There’s good evidence that this organization has abused and continues to abuse its members. In addition, their harassment of defectors and detractors is well documented by Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker, Leah Remini’s show, and countless YouTube videos.
If you’ve seen parts 1-4 you’d already know that anti-5g ads have been common on Facebook since at least summer of 2020. And scam products that “help you fight the death waves" have been a huge part of the misinformation push. In the summer of 2020, some wackos lit communications towers on fire. It’s not a huge leap from this kind of misinformation to the arson incidents.
What’s old is new again. 9/11 truth pages have started running ads again.
No matter how many times you see the dumbasses at Business Insider publish the same story claiming “facebook is cracking down on anti-vaccine content”, you should never believe it. This headline appears every 6-9 months and nothing ever changes on this matter on Facebook.
This one is fairly self explanatory, also stupid.
Just garden variety conspiracy theory about Covid and the measures that were taken to help stop the spread and mitigate the damage.
It’s not that dangerous, but it’s pretty funny that there are chemtrails ads in almost every one of these articles we’re putting out.
Clear your negative energy!
Show everyone that you’re not a sheep by buying this shirt we’re advertising to you. Because you’re a real free thinker!
Not too worried about the planet x people going potato and hurting others, just thought this was a pretty funny ad.
Annnnd the worst of the bunch. This one is selling some dumb ass microchip to help people who are struggling with addiction.
Not an ad, but it is kind of funny that creating a fake account for conspiracy theories always ends up at the flat earth
I am still collecting screen shots and you can expect more of these articles periodically, hopefully monthly. If you see these kinds of ads and want to help me with this project, please feel free to email them to or drop them in our Discord. If you’d like credit, just mention that you want your name or the name of your organization to be noted in the article and we’ll put it right under the picture so everyone knows you’re the lucky person who had your feed polluted.