Thanks for checking out LOCAL LOVE, Echoplex Media's SF Bay Area local music show! If you like what you're hearing, be sure to listen LIVE every Tuesday from 9 - midnight PST!
Want to weigh in on what's happening during the show? Call the Echoplex Hotline and let us know what you think! If we're not around, leave us a message; the best ones get played on future episodes!
ECHOPLEX HOTLINE: 408-457-1757
Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Stitcher Radio, and be sure to leave us a review!
Are you in a SF Bay Area band? Want your music to be played on our show? Click HERE for details!
Producer Dave (@Plex_Dave)
Fuckin Harrison (@Effin_Harrison)
Waffle Princess
Matt from Periscope
Boobs McBooberson
River Black
No Flow - Never Coming Down
Dirtbag Dan - Concentrate feat. Abel Abilities
Landon Wordswell - On The Move
Nvs - Broken Windows
Billy Sheen - Miss MacGuyver
Town Crier - I'm A Wreck
Black Cat Path - Dirty Love
FSF - Mouse Party
Nvs - Then Gwen
Smile For The Press - Escape
David Bu Hau - Kinda