Someone from 1995 used a time machine to deliver this mind expandingly bad promo image.
Is Sam Harris Atheism's Deepak Chopra?
Submit Your Music To Local Love!
Hey everyone! We are always looking for new music for our Tuesday night live show and podcast Local Love. Here's instructions on how to submit your music, it's easy!
DJs Wanted For Weekly Live Internet Broadcast
2nd Wave Internet Skepticism and the War Of Bad Ideas Part 5
The Madisonstar Moon Papers: A Leaked Memo
A friend of the show had recently intercepted an office memo circulating regarding the handling of conspiracy laced questioning initiated by phone call, due to the high number of these types of calls that had been made to many meteorological and environmental agencies these last few months. Seems like they needed to make a standard operating procedure manual for such an encounter.
2nd Wave Internet Skepticism and the War of Bad Ideas Part 4
2nd Wave Internet Skepticism And The War Of Bad Ideas Part 3
Global Chemtrails Summit Was Painfully Boring
Derp: Weapons of the Enemy
A series of articles to explain an alarming social phenomenon in a sociological, psychological manner from the perspective of a boots on the ground soldier in the War of Bad Ideas.
Who's the Sheep Now, Bitch?
After claiming everyone was brainwashed by mainstream media, a harsh reality sets in for a few, and most just dig their heels in.
2nd Wave Internet Skepticism And The War Of Bad Ideas Part 2
Question Everything, You Say?
The very people who always tell me to "question everything" have been had. This should not come as a surprise to anyone.
2nd Wave Internet Skepticism And The War Of Bad Ideas Part 1
ElevatorGate, as it became known, was the "original sin" that seems to have launched the 2nd wave of internet skepticism.
Behind The Scenes: Routing With 2 Channel Audio Interface, Mumble, Google Hangouts and Mixxx For Broadcasting and Recording
This is mostly for internal use but we are hopeful that others will get something out of this. This was done on an Ubuntu Studio 16.04 system with the KXStudio Tools. The audio interface used in this tutorial is a Focusrite 2i2 but any 2 in 2 out audio interface should work just fine.
Coming Soon To Echoplex Media -- The Doctor Robert Lopez Show
Dr. Robert Lopez is a mysterious man who many have not yet heard of. His upcoming show will reveal truths you didn't even know you wanted to know. Hard hitting revolutionary radio that pulls no punches is hard to find these days. Lopez fears no man and worships no man. Lopez has his finger on the pulse and is ready to do battle in the war of ideas. Dr. Robert Lopez will lead you to the truth about everything that's wrong with the world. Trust Dr. Robert Lopez and you will know who it is that really pulls the strings!
Coming early 2017. Only from Echoplex Media!
Echoplex Podcast Recording and Routing System Launch Instructions
Videos and step by step instructions of how we launch our live and recording setup for all our shows. Also included are all the configuration files we use!
Poor Pepe the Frog, He Only Ever Meant To Make You Laugh
We Have a Mumble Room Now! (it's on hiatus, sorry)
The Sam Harris Fairness Doctrine, Ver. 0.9 Beta (Male)
Have you ever wanted to criticize Sam Harris but thought that your criticism might be unfair, out of context, too politically correct, or even a threat to free speech? This handy checklist will help you through it.