Thanks for checking out LOCAL LOVE, Echoplex Media's SF Bay Area local music show! If you like what you're hearing, be sure to listen LIVE every Tuesday from 9 - midnight PST!
Want to weigh in on what's happening during the show? Call the Echoplex Hotline and let us know what you think! If we're not around, leave us a message; the best ones get played on future episodes!
ECHOPLEX HOTLINE: 408-457-1757
Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or Stitcher Radio, and be sure to leave us a review!
Are you in a SF Bay Area band? Want your music to be played on our show? Click HERE for details!
Producer Dave (@plex_dave)
Effin' Harrison (@effin_harrison)
Juan Mazerati
Chip DeVille
Gee Willikers
Waffle Princess
Reyos Muertos
David Bu Hau - Less Than 10 Percent
Chris Reed - Ascending Walls
Billy Sheen - Underneath
Sweet HayaH - Gentle Lies
Pandemonaeon - Well Of Lost Voices
The Greening - Vaporizer
Audible Smoke Signal - Dubknuckle
3 Ring Simian - Roundhouse 41511
Kat Robichaud and The Darling Misfits - The Apple Pie and The Knife
Rebelskamp - InTentCity