Episode 021 -- So Much Pearl Clutching


Randle (@randle_aubrey)
Harrison (@effin_harrison)
Dave (@plex_dave)
Sarah Monster

Dave took a week off of hosting duties, so Randle and Harrison hosted The Plex in advance of their brand new show Face For Radio, which will be debuting in early February. Sarah and Kaitlin came on The Plex to audition for FFR as Randle and Harrison's third cohost, and both these ladies are freakin' hilarious. Enjoy!



Ashwan - Having_Fun
Esistnichtsoernst - War Drums
Rootsmessenger - Spiral Loop
DaveMerrick - FunkyDave Samplepack (Key of D)
Audible Smoke Signal - Sex Talk

Bonus -- We Wanted To Cover This Story, But....

Bonus -- We Wanted To Cover This Story, But....

This was supposed to be a report about what happened when the online culture war went "AFK".   There was doxing, people being harassed at their places of work, and even a lawsuit.  We thought this story basically wrote itself, and that this would be a relatively easy thing to take a stab at for our first in-depth report.  Then we interviewed one of the guys the story was centered around, and, well...just give it a listen, and you'll figure out why this ended up on the cutting room floor for the last couple of months. Good luck!

Episode 017 -- Something About A Baby Net

Dave (@plex_dave)
Randle Aubrey (@randle_aubrey)
Creepy Erik
Fuckin Harrison (@effin_harrison)


Rebelskamp (www.rebelskamp.com)
Audible Smoke Signal (www.facebook.com/audiblesmokesignal)
Curious Quail (www.curiousquail.com)
David Bu Hau

SPECIAL -- The Echoplex Saves Christmas! (PODCAST)

SPECIAL -- The Echoplex Saves Christmas! (PODCAST)

On Saturday, December 12th, five brave podcasters at Echoplex Media and their stalwart companions did what no other podcasters or their stalwart companions ever could: they achieved a titanic victory for the agnostic front in the War On Christmas! After nearly escaping death by discomfort during a viewing of fundie wingnut and failed child star Kirk Cameron's classic holiday steamer "Saving Christmas," the group stormed the mics for a taping of Echoplex LIVE!, tearing the movie to shreds and moving on to thoroughly deconstruct nearly every bullshit myth propagated by the Christian Right regarding precisely who Christmas belongs to. We proudly present that audio to you now, and we encourage you to let us know in the comments how you're fighting the good fight to save Christmas from itself! Happy Holidays from Echoplex Media, and thanks for listening!

Episode 016 -- Walmart Exclusive

Dave (@Plex_Dave)
The Viking
Peter Allen
Mistress Mary


Rebelskamp (www.rebelskamp.com)
Audible Smoke Signals (Facebook)

Episode 015 -- Shoot the Place Up or Shoot In a Cup

Dave (@Plex_Dave)
Fuckin' Harrison
Waffle Princess
(Skype calls from Mistress Mary and Trevor)


And...discuss this shirt:

penis t-shirt.jpg

Episode 014 -- Ten Dollar Internet

Episode 013 -- The Lion People

Dave (@Plex_Dave)
Juan Mazerati, Rebelskamp (www.rebelskamp.com)
Mistress Mary
Fuckin' Harrison
Producer Steve



Rebelskamp (www.rebelskamp.com)


BONUS -- Goldie Dawn Interview, Echoplex LIVE!

During a recent taping of Echoplex LIVE!, this little old Greek lady came by selling baklava, and it turns out she had quite a few interesting things to say about the state of global affairs. So of course, we put her on the air. The results, well...let's just say we got a helluva lot more than we bargained for.

Check our Echoplex LIVE! every Tuesday and Thursday at 10pm PST, and for more info, check out the Echoplex LIVE! page at http://www.echoplexmedia.com/echoplex-live!

Episode 012 -- Hot Tub Vernacular

BONUS -- Interview With San Jose City Council Candidate Peter Allen

On Sunday November 8th, Peter Allen, running for city council for San Jose's 6th district, was brave enough to come on The Plex. You'll be able to check him out on the full show soon, where he joins our crazy panel.

The entire Echoplex Media family thanks Pete for joining us!

Check out Peter's Facebook page to find out more about his campaign!

Episode 011 -- Not A Star Wars Podcast