Producer Dave (@Plex_Dave)
Fuckin Harrison (@Effin_Harrison)
Media Wench Ashley (@echoplexmedia)
Chip DeVille
Juan Maserati
Rebelskamp - Huxtable
Tributaries - We'll be Swimming in Our Graves
No Flow - What's Goin' On
Noah Kickback - Captured (Noah KickBack Remix)
Rebelskamp - The Rebel (Featuring Dirtbag Dan)
Kat Robichaud and The Darling Misfits - Definition of Pretty
3 Ring Simian - Ahabs Dinner
Black Cat Path - Dirty Love
Lucy Arnell - Sans-Souci
Verse - SO HARD
Juan Maserati - After All These Years
Thanks for checking out LOCAL LOVE, Echoplex Media's SF Bay Area local music show! If you like what you're hearing, be sure to listen LIVE every Tuesday from 9 - midnight PST!
Want to weigh in on what's happening during the show? Call the Echoplex Hotline and let us know what you think! If we're not around, leave us a message; the best ones get played on future episodes!
ECHOPLEX HOTLINE: 408-457-1757
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Are you in a SF Bay Area band? Want your music to be played on our show? Click HERE for details!
If you're a DJ in the Bay Area, and you want to drop a set on our show Mostly Music Mondays, details can be found here.