Shasta Unmasked is a left leaning radio show in deep red Shasta County California. Focusing on exposing right wing extremism, each episode is a dive into local issues, the information and misinformation surrounding the subject, and how to fight back against pop-facism and tyranny on a local level.
The recent disappearance of Nikki Saelee has the entire community on the lookout. In this episode we talk to her sister, Chloe, discuss DV resources, and what can be done to help in the search.
District 2 Supervisor Joins us to talk about the ROV appointment, the division and corrupt behavior on the Shasta County BOS, and has a special announcement.
Discussing the local history of Pride and belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, plus local celebrations for pride month happening in Shasta County this week.
Former ROV Cathy Darling Allen joins us to talk about her experience as the Shasta County ROV, local elections, and the challenges that are arising from misinformation in our local political climate.