Coming Soon To Echoplex Media -- The Doctor Robert Lopez Show
Dr. Robert Lopez is a mysterious man who many have not yet heard of. His upcoming show will reveal truths you didn't even know you wanted to know. Hard hitting revolutionary radio that pulls no punches is hard to find these days. Lopez fears no man and worships no man. Lopez has his finger on the pulse and is ready to do battle in the war of ideas. Dr. Robert Lopez will lead you to the truth about everything that's wrong with the world. Trust Dr. Robert Lopez and you will know who it is that really pulls the strings!
Coming early 2017. Only from Echoplex Media!
The Sam Harris Fairness Doctrine, Ver. 0.9 Beta (Male)
Have you ever wanted to criticize Sam Harris but thought that your criticism might be unfair, out of context, too politically correct, or even a threat to free speech? This handy checklist will help you through it.