Looks like this will be our first broadcast from our new (and hopefully permanent) studio. Should be a fun one!
Around 8pm pacific, one of our fabulous DJs hits the decks, then around 9 we hit the mics with a few of your favorite Echoplex regulars and a couple new in studio panelists. We have "This Week In Last Year" featuring Sandy Rios, Theodore Shoebat, MadisonStar Moon and more!
Also, we will have this guy on the remote in:
Andy Nolch
Host of The Independent Scientology Podcast
Open lines from 9pm on into the night
Hangouts: echoplexpod@gmail.com
Skype: echo-pod
Stream links: (copy into VLC or any other media player)
Chat Room: http://echoplexmedia-chat.chatango.com/